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Google Begins Third Party Cookies Disabling for 1% of Chrome Users

Google initiates the gradual removal of third party cookies in Chrome by implementing it for 1% of users in 2024 prior to a wider removal.

Google has revealed its plan to start reducing support for third-party cookies in Chrome by deactivating them for 1% of users beginning in Q1 2024. This initial step precedes a more extensive phase-out intended for all Chrome users by Q3 2024.

Google will only entertain this extension for services experiencing confirmed functional disruptions, not issues related to data collection. Otherwise, randomly selected users will be granted “Tracking Protection,” which restricts websites from accessing third-party cookies used for tracking users across the web.

If Chrome detects browsing issues (such as repeated page refreshes), a prompt will appear from the eye icon on the right side of the address bar. Users will then be prompted to temporarily re-enable third-party cookies for the site.

Why is Google restricting third party cookies?

The primary criticism directed at third party cookies revolves around consumers feeling their privacy is being compromised. However, what motivations lie behind Google’s ambitious initiative to block third-party cookies in Chrome?

1. Privacy Concerns:

In recent times, there has been a noticeable surge in public apprehension regarding privacy and data security. Third-party cookies, due to their ability to track users’ browsing activities across various websites without explicit consent, are often perceived as intrusive. Google’s decision to curtail these cookies reflects its response to these privacy apprehensions and its alignment with the global trend towards stricter data privacy regulations, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

2. Transition to First-party Data:

Google appears to be advocating for a transition towards first-party data collection, where data is directly gathered by the website a user visits. This shift is generally regarded as more respectful of privacy and offers greater reliability.

What Happens When Third party Cookies Are Fully Blocked?

Starting Q3 2024, Google plans to eliminate third-party cookies for all Chrome users, pending regulatory approval. This will significantly alter digital advertising operations, potentially driving sites toward less transparent tracking methods. 

To aid the transition, Google is introducing new Privacy Sandbox APIs, yet uncertainty persists about the advertising ecosystem’s adaptation. The initial 1% phase-out next year offers a critical period for websites, advertisers, and industry players to assess readiness. Given Google’s dominance in web browsing, scrutiny of these changes is anticipated to be high.

What Does This Mean For Advertisers?

The news is expected to stir controversy within the digital advertising industry, heavily reliant on third-party cookie tracking. Certain ad tech companies may face the loss of their existing data collection capabilities.

Advertisers and publishers will need to embrace alternative methods to deliver targeted ads to users. This transition could favor walled gardens such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, which possess extensive repositories of logged-in user data.

While privacy advocacy groups have embraced the initiative, some express reservations, suggesting that Google’s Privacy Sandbox may not sufficiently curb clandestine tracking practices.

What Does This Impact For Publishers?

The full impact is yet to unfold, but the demise of third-party cookies will undoubtedly reshape the privacy and advertising dynamics on the web.

Removing third-party cookies could lead to reduced revenue for publishers relying on programmatic website advertising. However, they have alternatives such as user ID solutions like ID5 or Audigent’s Hadron ID, which prioritize privacy and could serve as replacements.

What Happens Next?

Google intends to conduct testing of its new Privacy Sandbox APIs before proceeding with the wider phase-out.

There is still uncertainty surrounding the functioning of digital advertising in the absence of third-party cookies.

Industry groups are collaborating to establish new standards for targeted ads that prioritize anonymity. Given Chrome’s significant market share, websites will need to adapt.

In Summary

Google’s decision to phase out third party cookies signifies a significant transformation in digital advertising and website tracking.

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please feel free to ask here. We’d like to help you. 

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