As one navigates the dynamic landscape of digital advertising, the innovative concept of in-banner video ads stands out. These ads blend compelling video content with well-placed banner advertisements, significantly boosting publishers’ monetization capabilities.

Video ads are undoubtedly the future of advertising. HubSpot research indicates that more than half of consumers favor videos over other content types. While this opportunity has been recognized by advertisers and marketers, publishers have shown some reluctance towards video ads. Nevertheless, various video ad formats, including in-banner video ads, are ideally suited to benefit publishers.

What Are In-Banner Video Ads?

In-banner video ads are short, soundless videos or GIFs embedded within a standard display ad slot. These videos are typically created using HTML5 and consist of a thumbnail image paired with a brief text description.

In-banner video ads offer a dynamic viewing experience and can include animated or interactive elements to enhance engagement, making them more interactive than traditional display ads.

Examples include:

  • In-page video
  • Video interstitial
  • Rewarded video
  • In-display
  • In-feed video

Types of In-Banner Video Ads

These ads typically come in three types:

  1. Click-to-Play Click-to-play ads start as a static image, and the video plays only when the user clicks on it.
  2. Autoplay with No Sound The video automatically plays without sound unless the user clicks on it. This automatic play can catch users off guard, especially if their device volume is set high or low, which is why the autoplay feature mutes the sound.
  3. Hover-to-Play In this type, the video starts playing when the user hovers over the creative. Users don’t need to click; simply hovering the cursor over the ad triggers the video.

How to Use In-Banner Video Ads on Google Ad Manager

In-banner video ads are delivered through direct campaigns in Google Ad Manager. Advertisers provide the ad creatives, so publishers have minimal setup tasks. However, here are a few important guidelines to keep in mind:

  1. The video should not exceed 2 minutes in length.
  2. Ad creatives should include a replay button.
  3. Audio should play only when the user clicks on the creatives.
  4. The video should have start, mute, and stop buttons.
  5. For hover-to-play banner ads, the video should start playing 2 seconds after hovering.
  6. When selecting the size of the creative, choose 300×250.

Publishers can leverage in-banner video creatives to implement sequential messaging and extend video reach beyond the in-stream environment.

However, transitioning from traditional display ads to video ads can be challenging. Publishers must ensure they have the necessary resources to make this process successful.

If you’re ready to explore in-banner video ads and see how they can accelerate your ad revenue goals, consider contacting us, and we’ll help you.

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